Tuesday, September 21, 2010

History of Internet

        I started using the internet in 4th grade. When I was in fourth grade my brother was in High school so he was used the internet a lot. The internet has changed a lot since then. Now everyone uses facebook other then AIM what we used to use in 4th grade. The internet is so much better now that im older.

      I used to use intetnet for AIM and talking to my friends. Even though i still use the internet to talk to friends im also useing it for school work. When i was younger in 4th i didnt need to do written assignments on the computer. I also look up the weather on the web. Since i play softball I look up teams that are looking for players so i can try-out and play more.

           I think that in the future i will be using to for school and talking to friends. This is how everyone communicates now. Soon people arent going to have to leave there houses because the internet keeps getting bigger. People are already starting to shop on the internet. This is how i see the internet in the future.

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